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Schools Closed- Asynchronous Learning Day/ All Activities and Athletics Cancelled 1/21/25

Chesnut Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

About Us

About Chesnut Elementary School


Chesnut Elementary School was established in 1968 to meet the needs of the Peachtree/Dunwoody community. It is located just outside interstate 285 and next door to Peachtree Charter Middle School.

Over the years Chesnut has maintained high performance and has provided students multiple opportunities to be involved in extended learning opportunities and parents with opportunities to support the initiatives of the school through PTA (Parent Teacher Association 1968 – 2000), PTC (Parent Teacher Council 2000 – 2018) and PAC (Principal’s Advisory Council 2018 – currently).

Chesnut students have the opportunity to participate in extended activities such as Garden Club, Art Club, Tech Club, Robotics Team, Running Club, Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl, Science Olympiad, International Club, School-wide Musical and Archery Club.

As a school, some of the additional instructional activities we have been able to provide our students with are STEM night, Math Night, Career Day, Entrepreneur Showcase and Book Character Parade.

Some of the events our parent organizations have funded and provided are Clean and Beautiful workdays, Book Fair, International Week, Parent Coffee, Bingo Night, Bus Driver Appreciation and Teacher Appreciation Week.

Chesnut have maintained an enrollment of approximately 450 students over the past 10 years.

Chesnut became a Targeted Title 1 school in 2018 and a Full Title 1 school in 2019. Chesnut was recognized as a 2019 – 2020 GaDOE Distinguished Title 1 School.

School Hours

School hours are 7:45 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. Monday through Friday.

Mission Statement

Chesnut Elementary students will STEAM forward in the 21st Century as they hone their technical skills which will enable them to effectively navigate real-world problems they encounter. They will be challenged through rigorous content which will prepare them to think critically, investigate, communicate, ask questions, use their imaginations, collaborate to develop plans, and create solutions! 

STEM Mission Statement

Chesnut Elementary students will move forward in the 21st Century as they hone their technical skills which will enable them to effectively navigate real-world problems they encounter. They will be challenged through rigorous content which will prepare them to think critically, investigate, communicate, ask questions, use their imaginations, collaborate to develop plans, and create solutions!

Vision Statement

At Chesnut, our vision is to have global minded students that think critically and creatively and collaborate and communicate with others as they prepare for 21st careers and actively contribute to their community.

STEM Vision Statement

We at Chesnut will strive to have global minded students that think critically and creatively, and collaborate and communicate with others as they succeed in 21st century STEM careers and actively contribute to their community.