myON Reader has partnered with the Get Georgia Reading Campaign to provide every child in Georgia FREE access anytime, anywhere to a library of more than 8,000 enhanced digital books with multimedia supports — over the entire summer! The trial ends on August 20, 2020.
These digital books really bring stories to life and provide audio support that creates a truly magical experience for kids and teens, making the joy of reading fun for all!
Go to:
Login information:
School Name: Get Georgia Reading
Username: dekalbcounty
Password: read
Dekalb County Public Library
The public library will start its summer reading program on June 1st. Click on the link below to take advantage of the resources and summer activities that they will be providing.
Sora is an ebook library provided by our school district. You can log in through Clever to access.
Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Program
Read any 8 books this summer, write a short summary of each book and you may pick a free book from the list of books on the form.